Ten Most Agonizing Australian Creature Nibbles

Ten Most Agonizing Australian Creature Nibbles

At the point when you state "Australia", individuals in a split second think "amusing accents" and "creatures snatched straight out of a H.P. Lovecraft tale". Regardless of whether it's the Dim Ruler Cthulhu ascending from the oceans or creepy crawlies the size of a human face, Australia will figure out how to truly spoil your day any place you go. Doing some examination on which creatures to stay away from already doesn't appear a lot of difficulty (clue: you'll in a flash know whether it's Cthulhu, so you're all acceptable on that). 

Presently how would we know which creature has the most excruciating nibble? Indeed, we ask a venomologist. Dr. Bryan Fry did some investigation into the subject and concocted the 10 most excruciating creature chomps in Australia. In the event that there's anybody pondering which profoundly logical technique he used to make sense of this: he really let every one of them nibble him. So recall: these things hurt a man with steel balls. Maintain a strategic distance from them no matter what, except if you need to spend the great bit of the following hour shouting "F#&@! THAT F#&@ING HURT LIKE A F#&@ER!" (sidenote: investigate shows reviling really assuages torment, so drop those F-bombs like you're America attempting to free a nation).

10. Fire Urchin 
As indicated by ol' Bryan, the consuming sensation at the site of the sting makes you regain some composure. I could make a sexually transmitted disease joke, however since this is a logical article, I won't.

9. Crown of Thorns Starfish
The sting of the Crown of Thorns starfish (honestly, this is 110% the same format they use to name bosses in video games, so he kinda should’ve guessed this wouldn’t be pleasant) is described as “straightforward pain”. Seems like a pretty straightforward reason to avoid it, then.

8. Yellow Faced Whip Snake
This bite is described as “unusually painful” for an Australian snake. It also causes swelling, but that seems secondary to the fact that the bite itself is unusually painful even by Australian standards.

7. Redback Spider
The venom from this bite acts directly on your nerves and can cause sweats, muscular weakness, nausea and vomiting. Only the female bite is dangerous, though. See, redback spiders are just like humans!

6. Irukandji Jellyfish
The Irukandji jellyfish’s bite leads to creeping pain that builds to full-body agony accompanied by headaches. If this doesn’t sound like a proper recipe for “nope” yet, the victims of this bite report experiencing an acute sense of impending doom. Cthulhu, is that you?

5. Platypus
The good news: this sting is quite rare for humans to encounter. The bad news: the hollow spurs that deliver the venom go so deep, you have to pull them out by hand. The pain is immediate and long-lasting, pretty much like watching the Footloose remake.

4. Jack Jumper Ant
This lil’ fella can bite you and cause intense, localized pain. Fry compares it to being stung by 200 bees simultaneously. Luckily getting stung by a bee is a breeze. Right, guys? Right?

3. Stingray
The stringray’s puncture wound can cause a jagged tear in your skin. Sounds bad, huh? The venom is worse. It causes pain so bad, Fry said it should be called a ‘give-me-a-gun-and-I’ll-shoot-myself-ray’. I’m not sure it’ll catch on, but I’m down with that.

2. Stonefish
This guy gives you extreme pain within seconds, so intense it makes you want to vomit. The pain has the ability to put the body into shock, while the venom can cause cardiovascular collapse. And this guy isn’t even the worst.

1. Box Jellyfish
Fry describes this sting as “being wiped with acid”. The burning pain can put you into shock, which can cause death. And if you would survive the sting, you can be in considerable pain for weeks. That’s right, weeks. Hell, you get stung right now and feel like you want to die right until Thanksgiving.
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