10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked!

10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked!

Source: zestradar.com
It’s not a secret we’re living in a world filled with amazing creatures, but in our everyday lives we tend to forget just how peculiar and versatile the animal world can be. Some of the creatures have extra big ears or noses, while others are completely transparent, allowing us to observe what’s happening inside their bodies.  Nature’s imagination has no end, and sometimes the result is more than just mind-boggling – there are animals that look like they’ve come from another world! Here are 10 times Nature went over the top to impress us, and it worked.
The greater sage-grouse is one stylish fella. He wears a chic fluffy white collar endowed with two big bright-yellow sacs. Like everything in nature those two have a purpose – they get inflated to attract the female during courtship displays.
Sage-grouse  | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
Meet aye-aye, a long-fingered lemur and the only nocturnal primate you’ll find in Madagascar. He may not look like it, but he’s in close relation to chimpanzees and humans!
Aye-aye | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
Pink fairy armadillo is the cutest out of all armadillos and maybe animals in general. Living mostly in the grasslands and sandy dunes of Argentina, this species of armadillo is active during the night, hunting for insects or munching plants. It’s already on the list of endangered species!
Pink fairy armadillo | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
When looking at okapi it’s hard to tell what animal are looking at exactly – it has stripes like a zebra and it’s built like a horse, when in fact it’s closer to giraffes than any other animals! Okapi dines on grass, plants, and various other greens.
Okapi  | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
Pacu fish will certainly surprise you once you take a sneak peek inside its mouth – there are teeth that look just like human’s! No wonder, because pacu fish is closely related to piranha, but unlike its meat-eating relative it mostly eats nuts and seeds.
Pacu fish | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
Axolotl, this cute Pokemon-looking creature, is a salamander you are most likely to find in the lakes of Mexico. The population of Mexican salamander is going down fast due to urbanization and various predators that come from other habitats.
 Axolotl | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
Golden snub-nosed monkeys can be found in central China, and once you see them you will not easily forget them! These gorgeous creatures boast beautiful orange fur and a muzzle of pale blue colour.
Golden snub-nosed monkeys | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
Bearded vulture simply looks stunning, doesn’t it? This intimidating bird differs a little bit from its vulture friends – apart from rocking a spectacular style, its diet mostly consists of bones of dead animals (or whatever dead creature it finds). These vultures are known to be monogamous and lay no more than three eggs once a year.
Bearded vulture | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
As far as crustaceans go, mantis shrimp is probably the most colourful of them all. Its body is a spectacular display of green, red, blue, and orange all mixed together. Due to 16 colour receptive rods in their eyes, they can process more colours than any other creature out in the wild. Even more than humans as we have only three of these rods!

The Japanese spider crab is living in the waters of Japan, just as the name suggests, and is among the biggest crustacean species in the world. While these crabs can grow up to 12 feet long, they are incredibly hard to catch. The only species that can grow bigger that the Japanese spider crab is the American lobster.
Japanese spider crab  | 10 Times Nature Went Over The Top To Impress Us, And It Worked! | Zestradar
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