This Guy Built An Old School Blockbuster In His Basement

This Guy Built An Old School Blockbuster In His Basement

If you grew up in the 90s you probably remember what it’s like owning a VHS player and getting movies on VHS tapes. It was all the rage. Some actually bought movies, or you could rent them for a specific period of time and then you had to bring them back to return or exchange for a different movie.
This Guy Built An Old School Blockbuster In His Basement #1 | Zestradar
There were even specific services that allowed you to order VHS tapes by mail and then you would watch them and mail them back. It was a whole thing. But then again, those were simpler, slower times. Waiting for a week was normal, you just couldn’t get instant access to movies. And what’s even funnier, you couldn’t just skip the intro like you can on Netflix. You could forward it but it was on you to then stop and press play at the right time.
This Guy Built An Old School Blockbuster In His Basement #2 | Zestradar
These days kids don’t even know what a VHS tape is, it’s all online. But those of us who grew up in the 90s remember it with fond nostalgia. Some people even keep old VHS tapes for old times sake others collect them. A lot of the time you can find old VHS tapes at garage sales basically for free, but those who like to collect the rare ones are willing to pay a decent price for a prized VHS tape of their favorite movie or just a rare VHS that’s hard to come by.
This Guy Built An Old School Blockbuster In His Basement #3 | Zestradar
Nick Collins chose a very interesting approach to VHS nostalgia. He decided to build a Blockbuster store in his basement. And what started out as a chill little project for a room the size of a small closet became an internet sensation.
This Guy Built An Old School Blockbuster In His Basement #4 | Zestradar
Once things started taking shape Nick decided he should knock down a wall and make the “VHS store” bigger. The painted the walls the same color the original Blockbuster stores had their walls painter, he put up a bunch of shelves and displays for his collection of VHS tape, he added neon signs, candy, various merchandise and decorations and the store came to life.
This Guy Built An Old School Blockbuster In His Basement #5 | Zestradar
These days nick likes to share his knowledge and process with his followers on Instagram, along with snaps of his pride and joy the basement Blockbuster store. He even decorates the store according to seasons and holidays. He has Easter decorations in the spring, Halloween in the fall and Christmas lights in the winter. He also sells VHS tapes to spread the joy of old-school VHS tapes to those who feel the same sense of nostalgia about it.

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